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January 13, 2023

Ministry of Commerce and other 14 departments announced the integration of domestic and foreign trade pilot areas list

January 11, the integration of domestic and foreign trade pilot areas list released. In order to implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council on promoting the integration of domestic and foreign trade decision-making arrangements, according to the "Ministry of Commerce and other 14 departments on the implementation of the pilot integration of domestic and foreign trade notice", on the basis of local voluntary declaration, by expert evaluation, public announcement to the community, the Ministry of Commerce and other 14 departments to determine the integration of domestic and foreign trade pilot areas list, including Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province (including Ningbo) Fujian Province (including Xiamen), Hunan Province, Guangdong Province (including Shenzhen), Chongqing City and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

The Notice puts forward three requirements: First, to strengthen organizational leadership. Pilot areas in charge of business departments to take the lead in conjunction with relevant units to establish a pilot contact mechanism, strengthen organizational coordination, further improve the pilot work program, closely around the improvement of the integration of domestic and foreign trade institutional mechanisms, improve the integration of domestic and foreign trade development capacity, optimize the integration of domestic and foreign trade development environment to determine the pilot objectives, pilot tasks and responsibilities, refine supporting policies and measures, develop a timetable, road map, to ensure that the pilot work is implemented, the pilot work, the pilot work, the pilot work, the pilot work, the pilot work. Ensure that the pilot work is put into practice and achieve effective results. Planned cities can be combined with the actual, separately developed pilot work program and implementation.

Second, actively explore the practice. Pilot areas and departments should be based on local realities, innovative ideas, active early and pilot, the courage to explore and practice, and solidly promote the pilot work. To highlight the goal-oriented, focus on a number of key industries, and strive to cultivate a number of integrated domestic and foreign trade enterprises, to create a number of domestic and foreign trade integration development platform, the formation of a number of internationally competitive, integrated development of industrial clusters, the establishment of a sound institutional mechanism to promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade. To highlight the problem-oriented, sort out a number of market players in the development of integrated domestic and foreign trade operations in the practical problems encountered. To timely assessment and summary, the formation of a number of replicable experience and models to promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade to play a demonstration role. All regions should actively copy and promote the successful experience and model of the pilot areas to promote the efficient operation of domestic and foreign trade, integrated development.

Third, a timely summary report. Pilot areas within one month after receiving the notice to the Ministry of Commerce to improve the pilot work program and work ledger, the end of each quarter within 7 days to report the progress of the work ledger, in accordance with the requirements of the annual pilot work summary, timely report on the progress and effectiveness of pilot work, successful experience and typical cases, major issues and recommendations.

The notice said that the Ministry of Commerce and other departments will strengthen the guidance and support of the pilot work, increase publicity, promote the replication of pilot experience in the country, according to the relevant promotion of timely adjustment of the list of pilot areas.
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